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The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly 


​topic: the humanitarian crisis in Yemen


In the past years, a civil war had raged in Yemen between the government and the Houthi rebels, and this has led to a widespread humanitarian crisis that is classified by the UN as one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Of Yemen's population, 27%, or 14.3 million people, are classified as being in an acute need by the UN, and 3.2 million people suffer from acute malnutrition. Millions of people lack access to adequate healthcare, clean water, and sanitation, and the spread of waterborne diseases, such as cholera, made hundreds of thousands sick. On 26 February 2019, the UN and the governments of Sweden and Switzerland organized the High-Level Pledging Event to raise money for resolving the crisis, and US$2.6 billion were raised from various donors to support humanitarian aid in Yemen. Already, 8 million people in Yemen receive UN assistance monthly, but it is still not enough. More funding, aid, and logistic support is necessary to successfully manage the crisis. The governments of all countries need to cooperate and provide financial and/or humanitarian aid to Yemen in order to relieve the crisis and potentially save millions of lives.



Yemen, Saudi Arabia, China, USA, UK, Russia, India, Italy, France, Brazil, Chile, Australia, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland

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